La historia no contada de cómo encontré mi voz
Por Pranada Dasi Al haber sido una voz pionera para las mujeres en ISKCON, me han preguntado en repetidas ocasiones por qué decidí pronunciarme. Siempre he dado respuestas generales, salvo a un grupo reservado de personas, y nunca he respondido a la pregunta de manera...Introducción
Por Pranada Dasi Este libro, La voz de las mujeres emerge en ISKCON, pone de manifiesto el hecho de que, en cierto momento, se silenció a las mujeres y ellas decidieron hablar. Esto contradice la idea predominante de que las mujeres en ISKCON deben regirse por las...
Download and #ReadEmergence
Free to Share! 540 pages | 34 authors | Lifetimes of Devotion | Paving the Way Forward View the Video Trailer Download the PDF Version Download the EPub Version Download the MOBI Version Get the Audio book Get the Print book The Emergence of Women’s...
Gita 9.32 What is Krishna Saying?
by Hari Parayana dasa The following was published in issue 472 of the Sri Krishna Kathamrita Bindu on 19 April 2020. The Bhagavad-gita verse 9. 32 says mam hi partha vyapasritya ye ‘pi syah papa-yonayah striyo vaisyas tatha sudhras te ‘pi yanti param gatim...On Education and Guruship for Vaishnavis
by Bhaktarupa dasa and Madhavananda dasa This document was compiled in...On “Rape” in the Fourth Canto
We offer two pieces regarding Srila Prabhupada’s use of the word “rape” in the Fourth Canto of the Srimad-Bhagavatam. The first piece is by Sudharma dasi and the second is from the BBT. Is Srila Prabhupada Referring to Brutal Assault When He Uses the...Senior GBC/Gurus Support Vaishnavi Diksa-Gurus in New Video
In a video released on June 13, 2020 featuring Gopal Krishna Goswami, Bhakti Charu Swami, and Jayapataka Swami, these three initiating gurus and senior members of ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) explain why they support the GBC resolution empowering women to...What’s a Woman to Do? Part Two by Visakha dasi
Why We May Misunderstand Srila Prabhupada’s Teachings Regarding...What’s A Woman to Do? Part One by Visakha dasi
Part One “Reflections on Womens’ Services in Srila Prabhupada’s Hare Krishna...Guru: The Principle, Not the Body
by Madana Mohana dasa This is a well-documented, thorough response to “Vaiṣṇava-dīkṣā according to Nārada-Pañcarātra: Can a Female Devotee be a dīkṣā-guru?” The author is a scholar. This is worth reading as it shows the improper logic and use of references (that have...
Women Saints in Gaudiya Vaishnavism
by Jagadananda Das There are few traditional societies in which women have played a dominant historical role. In this respect, Gaudiya Vaishnavism is no different. The egalitarianism of bhakti movements, which stress the universality of devotion and deny any...
Empowered Mothers
by Syamanandini devi dasi The Vedic literatures give us wonderful examples of selfless, devoted and spiritually empowered mothers. Mothers such as Queen Suniti (the wife of King Uttanapada & the mother of Dhruva Maharaja), Kunti devi (the wife of King Pandu &...
Scholarly Reply to Philosophical Premise of Those Opposed to Women Gurus
Guru, The Principle, Not the Body A response to “Vaiṣṇava-dīkṣā according to Nārada-Pañcarātra: Can a Female Devotee be a dīkṣā-guru?” by Madana-mohana dasa ...
NA GBC & Temple Presidents Vote in Favor of Vaishnavi Diksa Gurus
Resolution from the annual meeting of the NA GBC&TP, January 11, 2020 We, the ISKCON North American GBC Members and Temple Presidents, profoundly thank the international GBC body for its resolution allowing qualified Vaishnavis to give initiation under the GBC...
Unity in Diversity: Vaishnavi Gurus in ISKCON, A Statement by the ISKCON Vaishnavi Ministry
ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (GBC) recently ended a lengthy, detailed consideration of the Vaishnavi diksa guru question that has been under consideration since 2003. The Vaishnavi Ministry welcomes the new resolution which upholds important spiritual...
Offering Dandavat: A Nurturing Display of Surrender

GBC Passes a Resolution to Allow Women Gurus

ISKCON Leadership Sanga 2020 Come! Help Guide ISKCON into the Future!
ISKCON Leadership Sanga Registration Is Now Open! Welcome! Registration for the 5th ISKCON Leadership Sanga, ILS 2020, is now open. It is a special opportunity. And as each devotee registers the event becomes even more exceptional. Dates: February 14-20, 2020 Place:...