Resolution from the annual meeting of the NA GBC&TP,
January 11, 2020
We, the ISKCON North American GBC Members and Temple Presidents, profoundly thank the international GBC body for its resolution allowing qualified Vaishnavis to give initiation under the GBC specified circumstances.
This resolution is in line with Srila Prabhupada’s teachings and example as well as our longstanding Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. It will allow us to more effectively reach diverse North American audiences in our preaching. We find it is exactly in accord with Srila Prabhupada’s intentions and desire to encourage preachers of all backgrounds.
We note that the GBC resolution also allows regional leaders to opt out of the practice in their regions if they so choose. Thus we strongly oppose the call of some ISKCON leaders in India for the GBC to rescind the resolution. We believe that so doing would irreparably damage ISKCON’s preaching and reputation in North America and possibly the faith of devotees around the world in the GBC’s objectivity and leadership.
The GBC has shown great wisdom in courageously following Srila Prabhupada’s call for ‘unity in diversity.’ ISKCON’s North American leaders strongly and respectfully request the GBC to stand firm and not rescind its wise, reasonable, and Krishna conscious decision.
Vote: 45 in favor, 0 opposed, 0 abstentions.
Jai srila Prabhupada…great move
These women make me vomit.
They are not fit to clean my toilet.- Mayesa dasa ACBSP
Agreed, don’t let them near my toilet either.
Hare Krshna devotees and devotees, my tributes, all the glories to shrila prabhupada. I am in favor of this request by the North American ISKCON to the GBC to keep the resolutions passed in force.
Bhakta Roger
Can The GBC Quote me ant Sastra where it is allowed that Women be Gurus ????
simply by show of hands does not make anything TRUE
Srila Prabhupada even didn’t want same education for girls, who we can decide, to made them Gurus!?
(Compendium of quotations, 30th Anniveesary of the Grand Opening of Sri Krishna Balarama Mandir, publiced 2005, BBT – page 158)
Prabhupada: “…clean, cook, to be faithful to the husband.”
Tamal Krishna: “They don’t require a big school.”
Prabhupada: “No, no. That is mistake. They should be thought how to become obedient to the husband…
Little education they can…
…stop this practice of prostitution…” (Very bad system in Europe and America)
Bala-Krishna Dasa, SRSP
How can a woman give diksa and put on a brahmana cord if she herself does not have it? In the history of Vaishnavism there were two or three women who gave diksa and they were not conditional souls, they were liberated souls, nitya were sidhas.
Sri Prabhupad could see that all men are not created equal and it stands to reason that all women aren’t either. In the ago of kali where we are all degraded very badly everyone who is capable should support the rest of us.
The death certificate of ISKCON will read : cause of death – female diksha gurus.